Curriculum vitae
• Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana, Department of Industrial and Applied arts, Master degree programme, SI
• Student exchange at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle, Department of Image Space Object Glass, Winter semester 2022/2023, DE
• Student exchange at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Studio of Glass, Winter semester 2021/2022, CZ
• Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana, Department of Industrial and Applied arts, Bachelor degree programme, SI
• Bežigrad Grammar School, Ljubljana, SI
Awards and schoolarships
• Symington Family Estates Glassberries Design Award 2022, team project with Marija Staničić, BA Glass, PT
• Award of the University of Ljubljana for one of the three winning proposals of an internal call Art interpretation of society, SI
• One of the 11 winners of an international Open call for young artists, working or experimenting in the medium of video, film or moving image organized by ULAY Foundation, SI
• Prešeren Prize for Students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana, SI
2013—2020 & 2021—2022
• Zois scholarship, Public Scholarship, Development, Disabiity and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia, SI
Art residency
• Rise of women in culture in Western Balkans, 3rd–18th May 2022, Zadar, HR
Work experience
• A demonstrator in the studio of Glass, Applied Arts Department, under mentorship prof. Tanja Pak, Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, SI
• a menotr at a glass workshop, summer workshops, collaboration between Gibanje znanost mladini and the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, 4.—7. 7 . 2022, SI
2021, 2022
• organization team of Theater festival Cankarjada, Klub vrhniških študentov, Vrhnika, SI