Menstruation, 2020
I have embodied the feelings which overcome me when I menstruate. I translated them into a physical object – a menstrual cup. Irregular menstruations – sometimes with several months between periods – which are a consequence of my multi year struggle with eating disorders are my biggest fear and a source of insecurity. Therefore, I rejoice in every bleeding as it indicates that my body is healthy and shows that I am an adult woman. Blood stains on snow white cups invoke several different feelings; from disgust and filthiness to admiration and atisfaction.
Project comprises several differently blood stained ceramic menstrual cups and a plaque with a personal story next to them.
The work was exhibited at the 20th Biennial of Ceramics Beograd in Beograd, Serbia (2020).
White clay, slip cast and transfer printing, 4 x 4 x 6 cm (menstrual cups), 9 x 23 cm (plaque)
Mentor: doc. Kristina Rutar
Photo Credit: Meta Mramor
Menstruation, 2020
I have embodied the feelings which overcome me when I menstruate. I translated them into a physical object – a menstrual cup. Irregular menstruations – sometimes with several months between periods – which are a consequence of my multi year struggle with eating disorders are my biggest fear and a source of insecurity. Therefore, I rejoice in every bleeding as it indicates that my body is healthy and shows that I am an adult woman. Blood stains on snow white cups invoke several different feelings; from disgust and filthiness to admiration and atisfaction.
Project comprises several differently blood stained ceramic menstrual cups and a plaque with a personal story next to them.
The work was exhibited at the 20th Biennial of Ceramics Beograd in Beograd, Serbia (2020).
White clay, slip cast and transfer printing, 4 x 4 x 6 cm (menstrual cups), 9 x 23 cm (plaque)
Mentor: doc. Kristina Rutar
Photo Credit: Meta Mramor